Tuesday, April 8, 2014

"One on One" and KDP Select

Hello, everyone.  I have a new story, "One on One," up on Amazon!  I'm still definitely experimenting when it comes to seeing where my stories sell and how, so I've decided to enroll this one in the KDP Select program, at least for the first 90 days.  I'm very interested to see what effect this has on my sales.

For those of you who don't know, KDP Select is an optional program that Amazon offers to authors who sell their ebooks on Kindle.  Books are enrolled for 90 days at a time.  In order for books to be eligible, they must not be available online anywhere else during those 90 days.  In return, the book gets to be part of the KDP Select lending library, which allows some people to read your story for free (while you still get paid), and it also allows you to pick 5 days per 90 day period to run specials where you either discount your book or give it away for free.

To a certain extent, programs like KDP Select make me a little nervous.  I'm never terribly happy about monopolies, and I've heard some very good arguments as to why one should avoid KDP Select.  Notably, Mark Coker, the head of Smashwords, has said "exclusivity is a devil's bargain.  When authors go exclusive with any retailer, they increase their dependence upon that single retailer, limit long-term platform building at other retailers, disappoint fans who shop at other stores, and hobble the development of a thriving and competitive ebook retailing ecosystem."

Yikes.  I totally understand where he's coming from, and I doubt that I will do much with KDP Select throughout my career as an author.  I do support the idea of competition without ebook retailing, and I really like the idea of having my stories out in front of as many people as possible.  However, I have heard some people say that KDP Select has been a huge boost for them, and I mostly just want some more data to help in making final decisions.  Besides, I figure that if Coker's right and I'll "disappoint fans who shop at other stores," I might as well do my experiment now, near the beginning.  I'm planning on just being involved for 90 days, although I might be willing to extend my trial longer if I see huge successes.

Proponents of KDP Select say that Amazon is the biggest seller by far among ebook retailers, and that exclusivity with them really doesn't hurt them as an author.  In my limited experience this has been true: I have yet to make a sale on Smashwords, but I have made about 6 on Amazon so far.  Proponents say that the 5 free days can make a big splash in terms of getting your books more visible.

So I guess we'll see whether KDP Select does a lot for my story, or not really!  I'll keep you posted.  For any other authors out there, what has your experience been?

And for anyone interested, you can buy "One on One" here.

Like any good couple, Bruce and Savannah have a lot in common: they both love sports, both are fitness nuts, and both hate to lose. But there’s one thing makes them a perfect couple: whenever Bruce is beaten on the court, he’s determined to win in bed--by making passionate, enthusiastic love to Savannah until she is dizzy with pleasure. When Savannah wins an especially hotly contested game of one on one basketball, she knows the sex will be hot, physical, aggressive. But what she doesn't know is exactly how it will happen . . .

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