Friday, April 18, 2014

Writing Progress

Well, it's been quite a week.  Things have been in major crunch mode at my day job (which I am quitting next month!), my husband is heading right into finals, and it feels like just about every conceivable thing that could go wrong has.

What with all that, I haven't accomplished as many of my writing goals as I would have liked.  I had hoped to get "Sasha's Soldier" edited and uploaded, but that obviously hasn't happened.  My husband often helps me with the editing, and with him so swamped, he just hasn't been able to.  I really like to get a pair of eyes besides my own on my writing.  I find that often it's very hard to tell the difference between your best moments and your worst ones.  And when you're writing, you just have to put them all down, or you might miss out on some of your best work.  Of course, you also need someone you trust who can gently let you know which moments somehow come this close to be amazing, while somehow falling off the gap into horrible.

I have been able to push forward on my first draft writing, though, which means that I've got a little bit of a backlog for when I do have the time to start getting things out again.  I think I've got something like four stories written that just need to be edited, formatted and submitted.

From last Saturday to today, I wrote a new story which has clocked in at a little over 30,000 words.  This is longer than some of the things I've published previously, and I'm excited for that.  This moves out of the realm of short story and into the (occasionally awkward) realm of novella.  But with epublishing, there's more room for novellas than there used to be in the days of print-only publication.  On this one, I've moved at a pretty good pace.  I had a goal of 5,000 words a day, which I didn't quite make, but I did get something over 4,300 words a day.  That's definitely something I can live with.

Both of my currently published works ("In a Stranger's Arms" and "One on One") are contemporary.  This last project of mine has been a definite departure from that.  It takes place in a fantastical setting that's filled with vampires, ghouls, etc.  It also follows a very, very sexy man as our protagonist, which is a departure from my two that are published, which both have female point of view characters.  All in all, it was a ton of fun to write.

My life should start settling down in the next week or two, and I'll get some more pieces published.  Until then, I'll just keep plugging away at the writing.

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